Dogs enjoy a 4x5 sleeping/dining quarters with an additional attached 10x4 or 12x4 relaxation/elimination area. In addition, included in the daily rate, all dogs get to exercise in the outdoor 300 foot long grassy yards morning and evening. The sleeping quarters contain a raised resting bench and premier Slumber Pet bedding. For the ultimate in comfort and sanitation, no outside bedding is permitted. However, favorite toys and chew bones are welcome. Due to safety and health issues, no rawhide or pig ears will be given. All belonging must have pet's name clearly labeled in permanent marker for identification purposes.
All of our kennels are indoor and climate controlled, equipped with both heat and air conditioning. Customers can choose between an inside facing kennel which looks towards the reception area, entertaining those pets who like to keep up with all the coming and goings, and an outdoor facing kennel which overlooks the exercise yard and the surrounding country scenery.